International Congress on Fantastic Genre, Audiovisuals and New Technologies is an activity of scientific and academic dissemination that is part of Elche International Fantastic Film Festival – FANTAELX, with the collaboration of Miguel Hernández University, the Arts Research Center (CíA) and the Massiva research group.


Its mission is to disseminate research studies within the different thematic lines and discourses of the Fantastic Genre, covering all its possible variants and platforms: cinema, television, theatre, literature, comics, video games, virtual reality, plastic arts, etc.





In this modality, the proposals of the Communications will follow the main thematic line of the new edition of the Congress and the Festival: Folk Horror.


Folk Horror is based on the transmission of the terrifying through folklore, mythology, legends and superstitions. A peculiar derivation of the terrifying and the fantastic, whose origins go back to literature, folk tales, etc. at the end of the 19th century, which, later and with their particular aesthetics, would hatch in the various world cinematographies from the sixties and seventies onwards. This cinema, crossed by the supernatural ingredient and its concomitances with witchcraft, neo-pagan movements (such as Wicca), the hippie counterculture, the legacy of occultists such as Aleister Crowley or Austin Osman Spare, or the fear of all these cults and sects, will result in the reappearance of ancestral beliefs that will permeate the different cultural and artistic models up to the present day.


This sub-genre of the fantastic in general, and of horror in particular, is based on three foundational British feature films known as the Unholy Trinity: Witchfinder General (Michael Reeves, 1968), Blood on Satan’s Claw (Piers Haggard, 1971) and The Wicker Man (Robin Hardy, 1973). With these titles, and inescapable earlier references such as Häxan (Benjamin Christensen, 1922), Night of the Demon (Jacques Tourneur, 1957) or Hour of the Wolf (Ingmar Bergman, 1968), the necessary breeding ground was forged for the consolidation of these fictions where the presence of natural and wild spaces, the isolation of the characters, the adoption of beliefs and superstitions, or the culmination of the whole narrative in some kind of invocation, ceremony or transforming ritual are frequent.


Folk Horror also tends to reflect an aesthetic and narrative constant: civilization or progress vs. other ways of understanding the world based on the archaic, the “traditional” or under the margins of the law. This aspect, together with the aforementioned, will be inoculated in the future cultural and artistic content, which will lead to the spread of Folk Horror beyond Britain’s borders over the next few decades, being reinterpreted in each country according to its own political and socio-cultural reality. From the Australian Outback Films or Japanese ghost stories, to the stereotype of “Deep America”. In the latter case, for example, under less supernatural aspects and delving into the conflict between the two Americas through the clichés of the White Trash, thanks to titles such as Deliverance (John Boorman, 1972), The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (Tobe Hooper, 1974) or The Hills Have Eyes (Wes Craven, 1977).


As is well known, Folk Horror has also reached our times through its different models of expression and coexisting with other sub-genres (such as Survival Horror or Slasher): from video games (The Excavation of Hob’s Barrow, Through the Woods, etc.) or literary authors (H.P. Lovecraft, Stephen King, Adam Nevil, etc.), to flooding the world of comics (Alan Moore, Scott Snyder, Emily Carroll, etc.), plastic arts (Sara Deck, Tomás Hijo, Audrey Benjaminsen, etc.) or new television productions (Dennis Kelly and Felix Barrett) and films. The latter, offering new perspectives, concerns and anxieties around this way of understanding the world from the pagan, the telluric roots, the ancestral, otherness or barbarism, and thanks to filmmakers such as Ben Wheatley (Kill List, Sightseers, A Field in England), Ari Aster (Midsommar, Hereditary), Emma Tammi (The Wind), M. Night Shyamalan (The Village), Robert Eggers (The Witch), Alex Garland (Men) or Ti West (X, Pearl), among many others.


Within its broad spectrum, abstracts submitted for this main thematic line may contain variations such as the following:


1) Research and theoretical reflection on folklore, mythology and popular narration (tales, legends, songs, etc.) connected with the fantastic or with the fictions of Folk Horror in its various forms of expression: studies, currents, movements, works and outstanding authors.

2) The concept and derivations of folklore and Folk Horror, and their link with the various models of audiovisual culture and new technologies: their interweaving in cinema, television series, comics, video games, virtual reality, theatre, plastic arts, etc.

3) The research and theoretical reflection on the development and evolution of folklore and Folk Horror in the different cultural and technological models, and from the perspective of the study of currents (works, outstanding authors, etc.) and variants on which to establish this relationship.

4) Folklore and Folk Horror as a tool for communication, reflection or social and political analysis through audiovisual fiction and the fantastic.





In this modality, the abstracts will follow the generic thematic line of the Congress: The Fantastic Genre and its possible interconnection with the different platforms of culture, audiovisual and new technologies.


Within its broad spectrum, the abstracts submitted for this generic thematic line may follow variations such as the following:


1) The research and theoretical reflection on the Fantastic Genre in its various modes of expression: studies, currents, movements, works and prominent authors.

2) The Fantastic Genre and its interconnection with the various models of audiovisual culture and new technologies: the hybrid nature of the fantastic together with cinema, comics, video games, virtual reality, plastic arts, etc.

3) Possible methodologies and tools for communication and/or teaching through platforms related to the Fantastic Genre.

4) The fantastic in the political context: approaches and studies where the fantastic establishes a discourse connected to social debate, collectivity and political action.


The deadline for submission of abstracts for both options is 6 October 2024 (inclusive).

Oral communications and their abstracts may be submitted in English, French, Spanish or Valencian; and their reading during the Congress must not exceed 15 minutes.

The oral presentation of the Communication at the Congress is not compulsory. In the event of not attending the event as a speaker, either in person or online, the paper will also appear in the corresponding book edition.

Authors who wish to participate simultaneously in both modalities (Option 1 and Option 2), in order to include their Communication(s) in the edition of both books (paper publication in Spanish and digital publication in English), may do so:

Sending independently an email with the paper proposal for Option 1; and another email with the paper proposal for Option 2.


The period for payment of the registration fee is from 14 to 20 October 2024 (included).



Once the Communication has been accepted, participants must pay a registration fee of 170€ per author, following the instructions that will be sent to them by e-mail. The fee includes:


1) Presentation of the paper at the Congress (online or in person).
2) Certificate of Communication and Attendance.
3) Proceedings book with ISBN.
4) Academic publication in Tirant Lo Blanch publishing house (1st in the absolute General Index of SPI) with book chapter in Spanish and on paper with ISBN and delivery of the book on paper.




Once the Communication has been accepted, participants must pay a registration fee of 120€ per author, following the instructions that will be sent to them by e-mail. The fee includes:


1) Presentation of the paper at the Congress (online or in person).
2) Certificate of Communication and Attendance.
3) Proceedings book with ISBN.
4) Academic publication in Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca (first quartile in the absolute General Index of SPI) with digital book chapter in English with ISBN.


  • The deadline for submission of abstracts for both options is 6 October 2024 (included).
  • Papers and abstracts may be submitted in English, French, Spanish or Valencian. However, the writing of the chapter for the publication of the paper book (Option 1) must be in Spanish; while for the publication of the digital book (Option 2) it must be in English, which can be downloaded free of charge from the Publications section of our website.
  • The reading of each Communication during the Congress must not exceed 15 minutes, and may be given in Englis, French Spanish or Valencian.
  • The criteria for the selection of Communications will be based on their adaptation to the thematic lines proposed, their innovative nature, clarity of writing, ethical and scientific rigour, as well as their adaptation to these rules.
  • Only oral Communications may be presented. Posters will not be accepted.
  • The date of acceptance of Communications in both options will be 14 October 2024, with each presenter being notified individually of the outcome of their application (or applications, if participating in Option 1 and Option 2).
  • The registration fee payment period will be from 14 to 20 October 2024 (included).
  • The deadline for sending the materials to be screened at the Congress in person mode (slides, images, videos, etc., for the reading of the 15-minute Communication) is 17 November 2024 (included).
  • The Scientific Committee, assisted by peer review, will propose the selection of approved Communications for the Congress, as well as the texts selected for their corresponding publications.
  • The deadline for submitting the selected texts for evaluation and publication as book chapters, both for the publication of the paper book (Option 1) and for the publication of the digital book (Option 2), is 13 January 2025 (included).
  • Selected texts must be original and unpublished, and not awaiting acceptance by other means.
  • Any proposal that does not meet these requirements will not be considered for assessment in the scientific programme.

All submissions must be sent to:


The mode of submission of Communications proposals must follow the following scheme, in which two text files must be sent:


  • A first Word file, available at this link, without converting it to PDF or other formats, which must be filled in with the required details of the Communicant. If more than one Communicant participates, the same information must be included. This first file will be titled:




The word “Title” should not be written literally, but three words of the title of the Communication separated by underscores. For example:




  • A second Word file, available at this link, without converting it to PDF or other formats, which will contain an Abstract of the Communication of a maximum of 600 words. This document must not contain personal data of the Communicant, for peer review by the Scientific Committee. This second file will be titled:


B_ABSTRACT_OPTION_1_Title, o B_ABSTRACT_OPTION_2_Title, following the same system as the first downloaded document.


  • For the chapters of the books to be published as a result of the Congress, both for the paper book edition and for the digital book edition, both with their respective ISBNs, the Word template provided below must be strictly used. Each template contains details of the typographical standards, citation system, bibliographical references, etc. of each publishing house.
    • For the writing of the paper book chapter in Spanish (Option 1), the Word template available at this link must be used.
    • For the writing of the digital book chapter in English (Option 2), the Word template available at this link must be used.
  • Chapters that do not conform to the templates will be rejected. These must be submitted in Word or OpenOffice format.
  • Chapters must not exceed 4.000 words (including footnotes and final bibliographical references).
  • Images, figures, graphs, etc.: a maximum of one black and white image will be accepted for the publication of the paper book (Option 1), and a maximum of four colour images for the publication of the digital book (Option 2). The images must be in panoramic format (12 cm wide x 5 cm high). Failing this, they may be cropped for publication. They must also have a minimum resolution of 300 DPI (dots per inch).
  • Please note that the publication of the chapter in the paper book must be in Spanish.
  • Please note that the publication of the chapter in the digital book must be in English. It is recommended and preferable not to use automatic translation software into English, as it distorts the content and form of the text. In the event that this type of translation is detected, the Editorial Committee may return the text for correction to the authors, prior to peer review and evaluation.


Authors whose texts appear in academic publications will accept the following terms:


  • Authors will retain their copyright.
  • Authors will assign distribution rights to the publishers, which will be managed by the publishers.
  • Authors, as well as the Congress Organising Committee, will be exempt from receiving economic compensations derived from the publications.


  • Deadline for submission of abstracts: 6 October 2024 (included).
  • Date of acceptance of abstracts: 14 October 2024.
  • Deadline for payment of registration fee: 14-20 October 2024 (included).
  • Deadline for the submission of materials to be screened during the lectures (only in person sessions): 17 November 2024 (included).
  • Date of the Congress, framed within the Festival: 28 and 29 November 2024 (more details in Presentation).
  • Deadline for submitting selected texts for evaluation and publication as book chapters with ISBN: 13 January 2025 (included).

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